
Once, the world was faced with destruction.
Was it divine judgment? Strange organisms known as "monsters" with the terrifying ability to steal a person's soul began roaming the land, bringing with them a reign of slaughter that drove humanity to the brink of extinction.
One savior appeared before the people in their time of need.

A saint wearing a black mask.
Going by the name of "Nemesis", this mysterious immortal figure with the ability to see the future taught the people huddling in fear from the monsters how to use a powerful new technology that enabled the construction of "Soul Cages", durable vessels that protect the owner's soul from harm.
As the use of Soul Cages spread, the people were emboldened by the protection offered by this technology, and an Order of Knights was established in order to take the fight to the enemy.
Several centuries later, the Order of Knights continues its ancient struggle against the monsters under the leadership of the prophet Nemesis, wielding swords as guardians of humanity.
Their struggle would continue until a path is finally opened to a paradise without monsters, known as the "Promised Land"...

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