
An orphaned boy raised by the wise old woman, Ohma. He passed the test to join Holos Over and wants to be strong enough to protect everyone in his village. |
A girl raised, like Light, by the wise old woman, Ohma.
She loves flowers and cooking. |
Light’s closest friend, and like an older brother.
He has just become leader of a small Holos Over unit. |
A wise old woman in Selka village. She has raisied Light and Fina. She can be very frightening when she becomes angry. |
A precocious young girl living in Holos. |
A rumored user of savage beasts, who murdered the inhabitants of several villages. |
A mysterious girl who looks a lot like Fina. |
A strange, rabbit-like creature. |
A brave guardian beast, legendary in the village of Selka.
It has strong fighting spirit and follows a person seeking strength. |
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